My grandson and I were loving the initial runs of a mint condition PRR LC+ Mikado (6-81297) that I had just acquired, especially the chuffing smoke feature at slow speeds. On these initial runs there were derailments of a car in the consist, which I subsequently removed. Power is supplied by a PW ZW and the circuit is protected by an external circuit breaker and TVS unit installed at the ZW. These have functioned well and protected another LC+ unit and several TMCC units from derailments. The Mikado had a surprise derailment after several runs going through 2 successive 022 switches in the curved position. Afterwards I noticed the smoke does not chuff at all. Smoke is definitely being produced, but not coming out the stack. All other features of the unit work fine.
Has a circuit board been fried on the Mikado? If so, is this an "easy" fix?