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I have an Atlas#5 turnout that's been used by another owner. I was running my GP40 diesel through a potential switching district using this switch and when the loco got to the frog area the diesel shut down and the circuit breaker tripped on the block that connects to the DCS System I have . This has happened with other turnouts even when the grade is a little off and makes the diesel lean cutting the current. but on this turnout,the circuit breaker keeps tripping. I took the turnout to another flat location so no grade issues would be an issue but experience the same problem.

Can anyone give me an idea what might be going on? Lack of current at the frog? Improper wiring?

Thanks to all in advance.

Al Hummel

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sounds like a short to me. Are the rails touching where there should be a gap? There's a tiny plastic bump that is made to keep the rails apart. I believe when the rails grow because of temperature change, the gap is under pressure and can close.

 There are other reasons that the switch can be shorted. It takes the right engine to find them usually.

BTW, this has nothing to do with DCS. It is basic electricity. 

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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