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We all agree that clean track and good joins are critical for performance. I'm having signal issues with TMCC following some remodeling. Using Atlas track and joiners. Could not believe the dirt and crud found under those joiner "clips" when I pulled up some old track. Question is how to get under those joiner clips to clean the track that can't be pulled up? (I have a lot of it). The clips can't slid far enough to either side of the join to expose the track underneath to do much good. Are the electronic spray cleaners any better than just a temporary fix?

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I don't have any answers for you Doc but jumped in to share misery with you!


I use tubular on a seasonal layout.  I clean each and every piece of track before storing for the off-season.  One year, about 5 years ago, I pulled all of the pins (no easy task on newer tubular!) and was stunned by all of the black crud hidden on the pins inside of the rails!!!  


I took pipe cleaners and Goo-Gone to the inside of the rails and it came out black, and I mean black.  I used a rock tumbler to clean the pins.  I'm surprised that electricity was able to make it thru all that gunk.


Where does it all come from, he asks retorically.


- walt

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