Honestly Not my best thing to document something like this but here goes. about 2 months ago I was browsing a forum topic and saw a neat building that Andre had made for another forum member figured I would call him and see about one of the buildings I have wanted for a long time and to see about having it made up in a kit for me to build for the layout. I have never build a building out of wood had done a few Ameritown buildings but that was it, so this was uncharted territory for me but hey how hard could it be. so after about a month of waiting for it to be cut up the kit finally showed up. Andre did a great job on the kit and it came in in the timeframe he had stated so I was off to a good start. in looking at all the pieces I was thinking to myself did I bite off more than I can do ? took me a few days of looking at the parts to finally say just build it.
this is what the kit looked like so then I spoke with Andre and he stated build some bracing behind the walls to support the clapboard and add strength so I ran out to home depot knowing the interior wasn't going to be decorated I figured just some simple 1/4 dowels would do the trick. so I set off to support the main long wall with the sq dowels. and followed up the rest of the walls in the same fashion. so at the point I am at right now all the walls are supported and glued together I have been working on making the supports for the roof ends one is done the other is not as you can see in the photos's I have to add some clapboard to the center end sections but haven't done so yet my plan is to add led lights to the underside of the overhangs and a few inside the structure.