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Thanks Bill.  Old head seems to have a hard time focus-ing.   Seems to be a lot of different events, maybe too many.  A couple of days canoe-ing, last week,  a trip to the Great Northwest late July, Daughter-in-law has been working on a new bike project, family event in Boston soon, Train friend Tom's, modular project, in my garage, needs a lot of work. Train friend, Dan's house and storage barn project, where the Fort Pitt Modular layout is stored, is yet to be completed.   Just hard to get it together.  Then all your tools seem to be changing. Testors paints, not quite the same, Weaver is gone, Loco/unit upgrades, you did a few years ago, are obsolete/ at the least, lacking for repair parts.  There are Building models in boxes collecting dust............................................ 

Thanks again.

Mike CT   

Last edited by Mike CT
Originally Posted by Bill Webb:

Mike the buildings are really nicely done. Maybe Frank will help with the landscaping... his is simply incredible.

Thanks very much for the compliment, Bill, but judging from Mike's excellent work on that complex of structures, he's not going to need any input from me. The whole vista is going to be fantastic, I am sure.

Thanks again, though, for the kind enthusiasm.


Last edited by Moonson

From Boston.  The grandkid's smiles make the day.    

Again thanks for the compliments.

The parts of the diorama are very modular.  I have in the back of my mind to do, two, modules, of the coal tipple, that are compatible with the Fort Pitt High Railer's layout. 

I have done a display with the tipple, at a local McDonald's, glass enclosed case, Christmas, the last several years.  The McDonald's operator has continued to ask for the display every year. 

The Ultimate display is the 2017 TCA convention, Pittsburgh. 

The word is focus  

Mike CT.

Last edited by Mike CT

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