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For the first half of the twentieth century, most rail segments were 39-40ft long.   As rail cars grew in length, so did the rail segments they could transport.   Today we see mostly welded rail in mainline use so it’s not uncommon to see piles of decommissioned rail along the right of away awaiting the opportunity to be sold for scrap.

For my pile of decommissioned rail I harvested rails from Gilbert American Flyer s-gauge straight sections of track.   The 12" rails have a fairly prototypical profile and represent a 40ft section of rail in O-scale.  I'm now working on a good color match for old rusted rails.  I'm seeking help/advice from anyone willing to share a good color formula or color match for this project.   I also realize that color does depend of lighting.  I have some natural light and incandescent diffused ceiling fixtures.  

My first attempt was ACE red oxide primer - a little too red and bright. 


Next: Polly Scale 414323 rust (maybe needs to be highlighted a bit darker}


Full scale - natures rust  My goal

decommissioned rail


Cheers, Dave



Images (3)
  • oldrail
  • IMG_1269
  • decommissioned rail
Last edited by darlander
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Recently, three members of our preservation society retrieved 120 feet of rail that was on the line from the 1800's. It was on a privately owned lot, and was part of an abandoned line since 1972. Our society needed the rail fro a steam lokie we are purchasing. Even after being exposed to the elements for over a century, the rail is in relatively good condition. Some rail was reversed at some point to use the better side. Here are some photos. Notice the end of the rail in the last photo; the only area with a hint of red/orange, is where the splice plates were fastened. I would add that even after heating the nuts and bolts for re-use, the splice plates were rusted solid to the rails. I used a large cold chisel as a wedge driven with a sledge hammer. As a point of interest, the stack in the background is from the boiler house of the former Blue Coal facility in Ashley PA.


Lokie Rail movement 003Lokie Rail movement 006Lokie Rail movement 014Lokie Rail movement 016


Images (4)
  • Lokie Rail movement 003
  • Lokie Rail movement 006
  • Lokie Rail movement 014
  • Lokie Rail movement 016

Thank you Mike, Dan and Rail for your suggestions, information and pictures.    Today I added a light coat of Polly Scale railroad tie brown, earth brown and a final dusting with grimy black.   I was able to bring it a little closer to my liking.    Thanks again for your responses and help.

Cheers, Dave 

ACE rattle can - red oxide primer


Polly Scale Rust


Over spray with Polly scale Tie Brown, Earth Brown & Grimy Black.   I will live with it!



Images (4)
  • oldrail
  • IMG_1269
  • IMG_1278
  • IMG_1281
Last edited by darlander

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