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Hi all,

Now that I've resolved some layout issues I had, I wanted to move on to another workbench project I could use some help with. I have a command control fastrack switch that his given up on the "command control" side of things. Works great with the throw lever and lights up, but it no longer takes command control commands, nor will it go into the flashing light programming mode when I push the corresponding button. Any ideas on a fix? Opening up the back everything seems connected and in order. 

Thanks to you all in advance- this forum is a lifesaver!

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Hi! At long last I had a weekend day to work on this. I maneuvered the antenna, and zero luck whatsoever. It works conventional via the lever, but no command control and the button to program wont flash once held. 

Any other wisdom you guys might have? I've given it a good look adn all the wiring seems fine. Maybe I'll try writing Lionel next if I can't sort it- I believe its still under warranty?

jpcanton posted:

Hi! At long last I had a weekend day to work on this. I maneuvered the antenna, and zero luck whatsoever. It works conventional via the lever, but no command control and the button to program wont flash once held. 

Any other wisdom you guys might have? I've given it a good look adn all the wiring seems fine. Maybe I'll try writing Lionel next if I can't sort it- I believe its still under warranty?

I just fixed mine.  I replaced the TMCC receiver. It's the small board the antenna is connected to.  Part Number 691FTSW801. Eazy-peazy.  Good luck.

ToledoEd posted:

I just fixed mine.  I replaced the TMCC receiver. It's the small board the antenna is connected to.  Part Number 691FTSW801. Eazy-peazy.  Good luck.

Thanks for the heads-up, but just wanted to point out a small typo there, that "8" should be a "B". (I found it OK by searching for the switches themselves and then looking through the parts list).  Link to part on Lionel site.

I noted there were both A and B boards listed, but the A was unavailable.  I have an older (probably 1st generation, if they've evolved) TMCC switch with this exact problem, so I'm tempted to order the board.



   Lesson learned on this one, always check/test your FTCC switches when you bring them home, I have to admit I ended up with 2 switches with bad sending boards myself. However mine were still under warranty, and Lionel swapped the FTCC Switches out and payed the transport cost also.  Every so many switches end up having faulty programming/sending boards, nothing Lionel can due to assure better QC either, it's a way of doing business in that part of the world.  Unfortunately it's not just shorting screws any more.  Now it's suppling faulty electronic boards and other electronic parts also.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad


   Me too, I learned my lesson the hard way, and I wanted to build my Christmas layout right when I found the defective FTCC switches, I picked up a couple more knowing I would eventually need them any way, Guns and I had a discussion as to whether the FTCC switches could be fix with the new ERR boards, unfortunately no dice, they a can only be used to up grade the original FT switches.  I tested the new FTCC switches as soon as they arrived, both were good to go, so I returned the originals for replacement and drove on building the Christmas layout.  I got admit  Lionel has always done right by me, I have every reason to keep purchasing Lionel's products and the ladies they have working in their office's contact positions are beyond professional, Lionel needs to up grade their salaries, they are the best advertisement representatives I have ever seen in the business world any where.  





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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

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