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One of the things I have always enjoyed most about the Scenery side of the Forum is the ability to benefit from the vast wealth of knowledge that the fellow builders bring to the table.  Aside from just marveling at the great shots posted here on Sundays in the Showcase, I often want to see more of a "behind the scenes" view of the builds or scenery work that goes into creating the beautiful creations we see presented.

Many years ago I was lucky enough to take part in a number of community or "buddy" builds here when the Scenery and Structure Section was just starting out and it was a blast.  A group of builders decided to participate, those on board voted on a type of structure to build, and [with a month as the timeline] checked in once a week to share their progress.  It was a lot of fun, very informative (everyone shared techniques, eurekas and pitfalls), and kept everyone on task as well as committed.

 So I ask you fellow Scenic Friends ... what say you?  You down with a Community Build?!?

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Fun and informative.  As I said in my initial post, there were so many advantages to this type of approach.  What I enjoyed most was the effort to include more members and encourage others to participate.  Plus it personally held me accountable and to a timeline ... I knew there was a benchmark build-wise to aim for each week as well as a month to complete.  Sometimes its easy to get sidetracked or make excuses to put projects off.  At least it always has been for me.

I used to have a blog where I kept an archive of many of those past builds and encourage others to check it out for an idea of what I had in mind.  I'll try to do my best to upload a link but my internet skills are not the greatest, so if I fail its known as "The Token Three Railer".  Lots of good stuff by many forum members from years past


Last edited by bfishma1
paul goodness posted:

BFISHMA1,  Thank you for posting your Token3Railer sight! Brings back great memories of past forum posts & projects.

Paul Goodness


I joined this list shortly after Token3Railer petered out. I was always kind of sad that I missed those days. It looked like great fun. I learned a lot by reviewing the archives.

Speaking of which: Does anybody know what ever happened to Vulcan? He is one of my favorite modelers, and I miss following his work. I gather that there was some kind of kerfuffle with the list moderators and he stopped posting here. Someone once mentioned that he went elsewhere on the Net, but I have never been able to locate him. Anybody know?

Vulcan was a great asset to the forum and a talented modeler.  If he is indeed still posting somewhere and someone is in the know, please provide a tip as to his where abouts.  As you can clearly see from the pics on the Token site, his work is outstanding!

Looks like we have a few interested parties for an upcoming build.  Start thinking of ideas.  Keep in mind ... month time frame, something generic enough that it would be applicable to any layout,  and it is scratch built: meaning the majority (70-80%) of the build is by hand, utilizing a minimum of aftermarket parts. 

For me this means lots of coffee stirrers  

bfishma1 posted:

I used to have a blog where I kept an archive of many of those past builds and encourage others to check it out for an idea of what I had in mind.  I'll try to do my best to upload a link but my internet skills are not the greatest, so if I fail its known as "The Token Three Railer".  Lots of good stuff by many forum members from years past


Great website! I may steal a few ideas. Growing up near the Jersey Shore I really like the fish shack!

It was fun and we all learned a lot from Fred.  I'm happy to hear he's still modeling,posting, and from the looks of it his work is continuing to raise the bar.  I was worried something awful had happened ... like he had gone to G-Scale or something

Anyone who uses "Elegance toothpicks" for cornice detailing is certainly worthy of praise.  

I think that there are still plenty of creative scratchbuilders here. It is just that they are often off on amazing and intimidating projects. In addition to providing a venue for sharing techniques, the real value of things like Token3Railer is that they provide a venue and an excuse for old hands to wave the flag a bit. Scractchbuilding is a little scary at first. A lot of people think it is just for "talented" people (I am the poster child for disproving this!). Taking the next step beyond buying complete buildings at Menards often takes a bit of handholding at first. What was good about Token3Railer was that provided "bite sized" projects and a sense of community that provided encouragement for more people to give it a try.

Last edited by Avanti

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback on the Token site and the info on Vulcan.   That blog was a labor of love and reconnecting with Fred was truly a gift this holiday.  Its been years since I've had the pleasure of dealing with either and I look forward to finding ways to make both a part of the coming year.

I'm also happy and encouraged by the positive posts here concerning the idea of introducing another Token Build.  As has been so accurately pointed out by others, these builds offer an opportunity for experienced modelers to share their accumulated knowledge as well as a safe place for rookies to break-in together, building a structure that would be at home on any layout in a reasonable time frame. 

Accomplishing this in an environment that provides honesty and comfort fosters the kind of humility that provides a willingness to share and accept feedback making these types of builds so fun and informative.

I will soon be starting a new thread listing the requirements for a February build as well as asking for individual participant's top three ideas for builds.  Thanks again for all those who weighed in and provided feedback as well as those familiar friends from builds past who I hope will participate again.

I'm so glad you guys found Vulcan! I started lurking here when he was posting some really awesome stuff. I'll definitely be lurking on railroad line now too!

I would totally be in on a community build.  Mine definitely won't be on the level of Vulcan or many of you folks, but it would be some motivation to get going and keep going on a structure.  I have a tendency to  d  r  a  g  out structure building.  I have a few that are going on several years now.  

Are you guys thinking about doing the same structure or the same type of structure?



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