Here's how I package diode pair to drop AC to a lower voltage. By use of 1.2A thru-hole bridge rectifiers, I can create a very compact voltage dropping network. The 2-bridge models drop the voltage about 2.6 volts, the 3-bridge models about 3.9 volts. This is a very compact and easy way to package them. To fabricate them, short the +/- leads of each bridge and chain the individual bridges together with the ~ pins. On the left below are the assembled bridges before adding the heatshrink, I glue them together and then do the wiring. Finally, I cut off the legs to make a compact package.
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Ive done that sans glue with stiff wire.
Youve got me wondering of the possibilites of using the inline vetical mount through hole BRs in similar fashion though. Are the legs postions condusive for it? Are the leg positions on vertical ones standard or do mfgs move them around like on some other things?
I really never looked hard at the inline vertical ones.
I haven't needed any higher current models, so I haven't done that yet. I think there should be a fairly standard configuration, but I've seen at least two variations on pinouts.
I mostly use larger than those; post war and overkill driven. I manage to stuff them or 6mp diodes. Usually for more smoke or light at lower motor speeds.
The vertical seemed to be in a smaller package in oversll volume, but I havnt looked at specs. Just a thought I figured might come in handy.
Ive seen small ones, but I didnt look at the amps and am not aware of the normal current range. They were an oddball on older things, but Ive noticed an increase in use lately. Figured it was a package shift driven by size and tech.
And various pinouts could make it easier...only maybe .
I think the flat bridges would be a lot more compact than the 6A diodes, they're pretty fat little things, four of them take up quite a bit of space. eBay: 331935608297 has ten of them for $2.10 with free shipping, they're much smaller than four 6A diodes. The body size is pretty small at: 21.8 x 18.5 x 3.3mm/ 0.86" x 0.73" x 0.13" (W*H*T).
Stacking those looks pretty easy, a jumper between the + and - on each part, and then alternating jumpers between the ~ terminals to the end.
Note that the full 6A capacity is probably predicated on them having a heatsink of some sort, but how often does your motor actually really draw a full 6A?
Four 6A diodes would be a whole lot bigger.
Third time trying to post and three hours. My "Highlander effect" is triggering the touch screen from inches away today, but at least it is responing to me. I t hought Id wear a hole inthe screen yesterday.
Id think the pinout being parrallel to the plane of the body could be a benefit in some cases too. Alternating stack postion and or pinout positions might allow more compact or even various shapes of chainin; like an L shape.
The diodes advantage for me was the linear chain fitting between the PW motors and boiler shell. I think its my K4 I used both BR and diodes. An L of vertical ones might have fit though. Into a pw diesel it wouldnt have mattered much how they got stacked or which case I chose, but I know space is a dissue and thought bringing up the idea might help fit something, somewhere, someday.
.....if you hadnt thought of it...yet
I give up..composing wiith this is