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I have a large two level layout; lower level TMCC only and upper level is conventional only.  Lower level is TMCC.   I control the TMCC by walking around and control switches at Ross controller mounted at edge of layout.  This is completed and all 22 Ross switches are working great!  

Now I have moved on to the conventional controlled upper level.    Control is by a KW transformer.  Each  throttle will have several blocks assigned to it.  I am working on a control panel for that level.  I plan to attach the Ross switch controller to the panel schematic  and use toggles to switch on the blocks.  

A few questions:

1)  My first choice would be to use a lighted toggle. Most I have seen are low voltage DC and the current going through the toggle will be 0-18 AC.  Thought of a DPST toggle and using one pole for the  variable AC from the transformer and the other pole for a fixed AC going to a pilot light for the block.  But again I'm finding most pilot lights are listed as DC.

2) Anyone have a good source for the electrical components;  toggle switches, pilot lights. etc.  In the old days I could rely on Radio Shack and local electronic stores. 

Thanks for any help.














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One caveat on the lighted toggles. Some actually are like double throw switches, in that they connect to ground when turned off. It is not a problem until a car or engine bridges two blocks and one is off. The center rail current goes from one pickup to the other directly to ground. I used them for powering sidings, and it took me a while to figure out where the short originated if I accidently drove onto an unpowered siding. I still use the switches, but with no ground connection,  they aren't lighted anymore.

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