I want to mount an LCD photo display on a flatcar and power it from ac track voltage onboard the car. I have mocked up a power supply using a bridge rectifier and a 1 amp 7805 5 vdc regulator. I've used capacitors across both the input and output of the regulator and another one across the dc output of the bridge rectifier. The no load output of the circuit works fine but when I add the LCD display, it works for about 15 seconds and the 5 volts drops to about 2.5 volts and the display dies. The display specs says it draws 1 amp and that is the regulator rating. I'm suspecting the display is too high a load for the regulator but I'm not enough of an electrical person to know for sure.
Can anyone suggest a simple power supply that will produce a 5 vdc 2 amp regulated power supply derived from ac track power?