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Hi. I'm about ready to give up on O scale as I keep seeing the diesel engines I want but when I talk about taking off the Lionel type couplers&replacing them with Protocraft or San Quan Scale couplers I'm told basically it'll cost be 1 of my best arms or legs. Everybody seems so pleased with the oversized couplers&3rail,(no disrespect to 3railers),that the 2 rail market is almost zip when it comes to diesels. I could live with 3 rail if I could convert my engines&rolling stock to scale couplers,without "selling the farm," so to speak. I am largely to scale in HO,&didn't think of coming to O scale to play with anything less than scale. Like I said,I could compromise&adopt 3 rail to keep the sound aspect. But $400-$500 an engine? Is this bleak future the "it&the all" of things? If I'm not prepared to pay the price,stay in HO,is the picture that's been painted for me. Is this it modelers?


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It isn't expensive, it just takes some time, patience, and maybe some fabricating, depending on what's required for the particular locomotive. The Atlas parts I mentioned in my 3RS post didn't cost a lot (I think about $20 for three locomotives' worth of parts) but it will require that I take the locomotives apart substantially, painting the spacer plates and pilot plugs (and modifying them for Kadees) then putting the whole thing back together. There's no simple bolt-on solution, but it's not cost-prohibitive.

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