W-e-l-l-l....when I was researching brewery reefers, I heard about somebody who had
done, I think, HO, beer reefers from old photos for a long defunct brewery in Ohio, all of which brewery's rights had been bought up by Megabrew St. Louis. The guy was
having model reefers and tee shirts printed up with that logo, just trying to honor his
home town with a local brew car to run in trains. He DID get raided by the feds and
everything with that defunct logo was confiscated.
Another defunct Ohio brewery's logo I researched had been bought up by somebody
who slapped a few on G scale cars, but was not receptive to sharing it. In my research I could not find that brewery operated its own reefer fleet, but it did make beer shipments out in RR provided reefers. They did operate a very large fleet of trucks with a nifty logo on them, which would have looked great on reefers, if they had existed.
While General Motors had no intention of stocking fenders for your 1934 Chevrolet Master DA in their dealer parts bins, they have been really surly in the past if somebody reproduces such fenders for car collectors. (I think just about everything
except, and maybe not excepting, frames and engine blocks have been reproduced for
the Model A Ford)