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1.  This is the wire I used for my layout, 16 Gauge bus. 18 Gauge drops about every eight feet. When I get four trains running they all seem too slow down. Two trains on a ZW L and two on a postwar ZW. Could the problem be this silicone wire?

2. I have a damaged wiring harness from a Lionel modern era 2341 TMCC Jersey Central. Is there a way too duplicate this or should I just remove the damaged part of the wire and soder a new piece in?


Images (7)
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you could replace the wire but it's just as easy to use heat shrink over the damaged wire you can purchase at Lowes Store every state has a Lowes store ! just solder the wire and then install heat shrink then use a heat gun which witch will shrink the heat shrink and will be a perfect repair!


Your silicone wire is made with a copper conductor and silicone insulation.  Does it get hot to the touch when you’re running four trains?  How about three trains?  If it’s hot that indicates too much current for the wire size - go to 14 awg. If the 16 awg is not hot then the issue is not wire size.

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