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Anyone know how to do this? Or have a person that can that you'd recommend? I found a repainted SG tank car on the evilBay, with nothing on it. I would like to be able to have a decal made that could be put on the car, of the beverage at our upcoming wedding for the toast- Martini & Rossi Prosecco. Or is there a way to remove this label IMG_1109intact?


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Last edited by Carey TeaRose
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I use Merax High Gloss Sticker Paper.

Take the graphic you want, size it for your given application, then print. This stuff is fairly thin so it does not feel much thicker than if it was silk screened. Holds color very well and the sheen is great for tinplate. If I need multiples, i usually past the photo in Word, size it, then copy and past more of the sized picture onto the one sheet. Below is a beer car I made using this paper.


Landshark 4


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  • Landshark 4

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