Morning folks, I was wondering if there is a preferred method of wiring 4 switches for a cross over. Below is a picture of my layout with the switches highlighted in the red circle . Any help would be great!
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Mike, on my attic layout I did that on my upper mainlines. I wired two switches to one controller. .....Paul
I have two of those on my layout, but I wish I had these instead...
I kept the controllers all separate, but programmed the Legacy with Fastrack switches to do a couple or several switches at one command.
Actually it's pretty hard to derail, you only really have to throw one switch.
I don't know how other guys do it, but on my layout, I have a similar cross over, and wired the two switches responsible for the transition to be thrown together so derailments are less likely to occur. In this case, the two left ones throw together, and the two right ones throw together. Also I insulated each switch in the pair from the other for control of power blocks.
I like the plan. Lots of possibilities for running.
HHB 3/82 Arty, 23 Inf.
Thanks Paul, that's what I was thinking, but wasn't sure.
Chuck, I too would also like a Ross cross over, but this is a low budget build! LOL
Jerry, thanks for how your setup, I hope the plan turns out to be as fun as it looks in my mind! LOL
From the Ross website. The (1's) and (2's) are logically powered via the 1008 relay to enhance track power through the center of the switch. May be a bit more complicated than Mike G.'s original question.
Thanks Mike, but to be honest just looking at that wiring and drawing just makes my head hurt! LOL
I've work my way through a couple of these, Not all that bad.
These diagrams are available on the Ross Website. Technical section, for those who wish to see the wiring before purchase. Click on the underlined phrase to link.
Mine are wired exactly like Jerry's (PONIAJ's), including loop isolation of the center rails between the switches.
Thanks guys, I have both inside and outside switch's isolated from each other. I am going to go with Jerry and RTR's wiring. I like the idea
Only one thing to watch for... Don't ask me how I know this with this particular setup, but operating the switch button for your grandson while a train is going through the crossover is not pretty!