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As A child I built houses out of tooth picks and popsicle sticks ( I was grounded A lot for being bad ). I my teens I built model cars and trucks from plastic kits. Now I have built houses and buildings out of balsa wood for the layout. Last month I bought A crane from A man in Ohio (Charles) but it was not exactly what I was looking for. He turned me on to this Crow River Products web site. Before I spend more than $450.00 on the Derrick House with Tower Kit #327 , Trestle Kit #329 and Bulk Material Barge Kit the wording said not for the novice builder! How hard are they to build? I have never built A house or building kit and don't know how difficult they are to build? Don't they have any instructions or are the pieces not labeled or numbered (like in plastic car and truck models)? Hopefully some one can give me some info before I buy these kits. Thank You in advance Choo Choo Kenny 

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crow river products is a very reputable manufacturer of o scale kits and details. that said, even with good instructions and pictures, if you don't have any experience building craftsman type kits, this could turn out to be a very frustrating experience. of the three, only the derrick says not for the novice. that kit had over 80 detail parts! however, if you're really game, and you really take your time and maybe get someone else to help with deciphering instructions (the two heads are better than one technique), you might start with one of the other kits, maybe the barge, or even ask which is the most straightforward. then, if you like it, move on to the others. in my experience, which is significant, if a manufacturer actually states the kit is not for novices, I would take them at their word. most manufacturers don't even bother with that caveat leaving the modeler to fend for him or herself and ultimately give up on craftsman kits which is a real shame. best advice is to dip your toe in the water before diving in. good luck.

Last edited by Jerrman

     Jerrman , Mike CT and  flanger  gentleman thank you for replying. I was talking with A fellow model railroader today and I have decided to jump in head first. I am going to buy the kits and start with the simpler ones first. Right now I am still laying track and roadbed on the lower level. I have to get that done first because the upper level covers about 1/4 of the tracks on the lower level (tunnel) and I have no access to screw the track down once the upper level is in place. For now I am not ready to start putting structures on the layout. I have plenty of buildings and houses that I can put in place when the time comes. When I purchased the structures that I did I thought they were nice and unique. Now after seeing everyone's pictures and videos I don't want to seem like I am A copy cat so eventually I am going to try to scratch build what ever I can and get rid of the plastic structures. Everyone thanks for your advice and Mike CT I am glad to hear from someone who has already built one of these kits. Choo Choo Kenny  

Mike CT on the first two pictures of your round table that you built where did you get the angle brass that has the rivet heads on it? I'm scratch building A 5 1/2 ft. curved trestle between 2 Atlas O double track trestles. I would like to put rivets on the (W) roof trusses that I am using to make steel looking supports for the curved trestle. Choo Choo Kenny

Originally Posted by Choo Choo kenny:

Mike CT on the first two pictures of your round table that you built where did you get the angle brass that has the rivet heads on it? I'm scratch building A 5 1/2 ft. curved trestle between 2 Atlas O double track trestles. I would like to put rivets on the (W) roof trusses that I am using to make steel looking supports for the curved trestle. Choo Choo Kenny

The 1/8 brass angle was from K&S metal.  I used an NWSL Sensipress and Riveter table to do the rivet detail. 


Last edited by Mike CT

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