Looking for input on the design. I THINK I've covered most of the bases (continuous running, loop to loop, fully reversible, yard operations separate from mainline, adequate yards, more than one way onto turntable, ability to remove road engine, etc. Layout area, which is part loft, part suspended is 10'(max.) x 15'(+/-). Prewar Flyer 3/16"O with 20"R track. Any thoughts would be welcome. I hope the image is OK - looks like it MAY be cropped (first-time image poster). Thanks.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
My first thought is always MORE. Looks like a nice space, nice reversing layout. I find that train guys always want more trains, tracks, space, etc. I would immediately add another main line. If you build it, those trains won't come by themselves, but, you'll want more.
Nicely detailed plan! Kudos!
Looks like the engine facilities are a long way away from the yard. You might consider flipping the engine facilities partial loop and turntable left to right, to connect to the main at 'F' and 'A'. And you could consider connecting the passing track below the switcher shed to the red mainline between 'F' and 'A' to make an easier connection with the engine service facilities.
Just and idea. -Ken
Thanks - I'll take a closer look at that. There are a lot of physical constraints not apparent from that one snapshot, and some things just plain won't work. This is probably on the 100th tweak already! I have promised myself, and my wife, that NO "new" funds will be expended for this final layout - which, given the location and my age (83) most SANE people wouldn't even start! This means that using a LH switch vs. a RH one, can be a make or break. It will be a challenge.
I like the plan as is. you could consider the TT to be a steam / passenger facility and the switcher shed and road engine track area to be diesel / freight use.
Ken has a good idea however if that is not doable, do what you want. I will bet just about anything that there will be a prototype for whatever you wind up doing.
It was not uncommon for engine facilities to be separated or at a distance from the town /station in real life.
One of my engine facilities is quite aways from the end of line station / yard area. I built my RR much like a real RR in that I expanded it working around the geographic constraints. As in cinder block walls, heater, chimney foundation, etc. Much like what you have in the garage.
I like the way you are utilizing the otherwise dead space above the automobile. Many newer homes have excess unused space due to garage high ceilings.
TO: 83 and counting ...
I hope building your design will be life-enhancing and life-extending! Creating a model RR is as close as one can get to eternal life on this planet, since most layouts are never "finished." Carry on ...
Mike Mottler LCCA 12394
mottlerm@gmail.com (now age 80)
I've now tried flipping the engine servicing facilities. There is a slight reduction in distance traveled to yard, but at the expense of several other abilities. The TT has to stay where it is, near the operating area. I want to be able to look into the RH, not at the back of it. If access to the servicing facilities are located off a siding as originally shown, independent mainline operation is possible - flipped, it isn't. But, the exercise was not a total loss - it gave me a couple of ideas for the passenger terminal. Thanks all - keep the ideas coming. BTW, for any Mac users out there, "RailmodelerPro" layout software seems to work really well.
@Dick Hosmer posted:I've now tried flipping the engine servicing facilities. There is a slight reduction in distance traveled to yard, but at the expense of several other abilities. The TT has to stay where it is, near the operating area. I want to be able to look into the RH, not at the back of it. If access to the servicing facilities are located off a siding as originally shown, independent mainline operation is possible - flipped, it isn't. But, the exercise was not a total loss - it gave me a couple of ideas for the passenger terminal. Thanks all - keep the ideas coming. BTW, for any Mac users out there, "RailmodelerPro" layout software seems to work really well.
Would something like this work? Add the crossovers/connections in blue, and having flexibility in entering the engine service area. Delete the red connection, to add a fifth turntable whisker. Maybe delete the green turnout at '8', as it would no longer be needed.
You would save a turnout at '8', and the one on the left adjacent to '3', so the total add would be two turnouts.
Another thought - keep the turnout at '8' so as to create a run-around track. I don't see one convenient to the yard, so this might be useful. If so, the add is 4 more turnouts.
Hmm, would also create a wye, and a new possible loop, though one of dubious prototypical value. Guess I'll have to check my turnout inventory and play with it some more! Thanks.