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@DrGregMN posted:

I've read somewhere here before about Dan Pantera making custom O-Scale passenger cars.  I'm looking to have a O-Scale replica of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range business car Northland.  Does he still do this, and does anyone have his contact information?

Pretty sure that Dan works only in 2-Rail. Also, he has an extremely long waiting list, and he is quite expensive, i.e. possibly a thousand dollars or more per business cars.

I believe his company name is Calumet Model Works, which you might try searching for.

I agree with Hot Water. Dan lives in the Chicago area, and the last time I was at his home I stopped counting at over 700 kits. Yes, that is correct. Dan possibly completes 150 - 200 cars a year as I recall, and he will complete 10 or more of the same car at the same time if he has that many to do.

Dan does not place you on a waiting list. He does what he wants when he wants. You may wait for 6 months or 10 years. I am 78 and Dan is not much younger. He has purchased many of his trucks from me over the years.   R. Heil - Sunset Models / 3rd Rail

@DrGregMN posted:

Thanks Rattler21.  As much as I would like to go to Indianapolis on October 8, I am already committed for that weekend.  If you are there and can obtain his contact info it would be appreciated; I cannot seem to find Calumet Models anywhere online.

That's because his company is "Calumet Model Works", as I stated in my original post/suggestion to you, above.

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