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I just added Custom Signals Crossing Flashers to the layout, and I have two approaches and an island circuit, just like the real railroads. The problem is, if I connect the circuit board to insulated rails for both approaches and the island, then try to connect the 12v relays that control my block signals, the crossing flashers start to operate, even though there isn't a train on any of the circuits. I know the relays aren't tripping, because the block signals stay green until a train enters the circuit.


Does anybody else have this problem, and can anything be done about it? I'm using atlas o 3-rail track.

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Not familiar with the system. Not sure exactly your wiring. Somehow it trips your sensors as current flows through the relay coils. . You could use a DC circuit from a separate transformer for the flashers and relays. Then insert a diode (1n4001) in series from the sensors and the relays where they connect the insulated rails. Current will not back flow through opposing diodes. The second diagram here shows a separate transformer used for DC relay coils


If a diode is placed in series from the insulated rail to each relay in direction of flow,they are still isolated electrically from each other. . 


Dale H

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