Hey Guys,
I am getting the urge to torture myself, by possibly inserting railroad ties under all of the track in my layout.
I'm trying to decide whether to cut them myself.
I have been using table saws and miter saws extensively for the past 30 years, so I know my way around these saws.
My question is: Assuming you start with the correct size wood strips, how long does it take you to cut these things?
I have seen numerous brags online where folks say, "I'm not going to pay for pre-cut ties. I could cut 250 of these things in 15 minutes with my table saw." Etc.
Oh really? How are ya going to do that, and have them all come out exactly the same, and not lose a finger in the process?
I would like to hear from folks who have actually cut 250 or more, and can tell me honestly how long it takes to cut them.
And, I assume that you have to use a fine tooth panel blade to cut them?
Would using a small hobby miter saw be safer and quicker?-
Thanks for all information.