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I am new to O scale from n scale.  I have purchased a lionchief set to start with. I am looking at purchasing 3 to 4 of the lionchief + locos.  I am designing a 9x16 layout for running 2 to 3 trains at one time.   I am familiar with dc and would like to stay with it to power the layout. Due to budget limitations I do not see advanced control systems or higher end locomotives in my future at this time. 
I am looking at running either 2 lionel dc power supplies 1 on each loop or running a larger power supply to provide enough power. 

I would like to know if fastrack switches and accessories will work with dc?

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Note that many instruction manuals for O-gauge accessories will only mention AC as a power source even though they'll work just fine with DC.

If cost is an issue, you can get a 90 Watt DC-output laptop charger for about $10 shipped.  That's about 10 cents per Watt which is a good target price for fixed-output power supplies suitable for O-gauge.  Be advised that while PC power supplies with plenty of power (hundreds of Watts) can be found for a song, many only put out 12V DC max.  That can impose a speed limitation with some O-gauge engines (plenty of Watts, but insufficient Voltage).  DC-output laptop chargers put out 18V DC or more.

So if budget is an issue, my suggestion is to run as many things as possible off DC.  Then for those accessories that require AC voltage, you can get a smaller Wattage supply.  AC power supplies suitable for O-gauge use are more expensive than a DC supply (Watt for Watt).


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