A bit over a year ago I ordered the following 18 awg barrel plug pigtails:
I would like to use some of these pigtails to wire up my Z1000 brick as follows:
1. I had planned to run 14 awg everywhere, from the bricks up to the actual power drops, which will be 18 awg.
2. My sidings will be powered by this Z1000, and it needs to be connected to a DPDT switch, so I need to adapt the single barrel plug to two ring terminals.
3. The barrels on the pigtails are the correct size for the barrel on the brick cable.
THE QUESTION: Ff the short power drops at the track, can be 18 awg, then can the short adapter from the brick barrel connector to ring terminals be 18 awg as well?
I am not sure what the gauge the wire on the Z1000 brick actually is.
I have found some 14 awg pigtails of the same size barrel (10 Pairs for $10), so I may just order those.