Hey guys! I just got the non-handheld DCS system since my layout is growing and I’m hoping to install it tomorrow BUT the wiring is confusing me... so I have a 100W power supply which is easy enough but do I need to strip the wires from the track and stuff them into the back of it somewhere? Seems like an odd way to do it but maybe I’m wrong...
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This doesn't connect like Legacy or regular DCS. You have to connect your power supply to one of the two inputs on the back of the unit (left side). The track power comes from the output on the unit (right side).
The wire from the track is inserted into the middle green plug on back marked output, one wire into each wire port. Polarity is not important. Although the MTH brick is AC, the Commander converts the power to DC. I think the intent of the item was to run their HO but it can be used to run PS3 engines since they will run on DC.
JFC454 posted:The wire from the track is inserted into the middle green plug on back marked output, one wire into each wire port. Polarity is not important. Although the MTH brick is AC, the Commander converts the power to DC. I think the intent of the item was to run their HO but it can be used to run PS3 engines since they will run on DC.
Okay! So the wires do need to be stripped?
Ohhh nuts I didn’t know it just did DC... I should have got the handheld darn it. So I assume I can’t run a Lionel T-1 from 1989 off it?
1. Yes, just bare the two wires, as you unscrew the screw you will notice a little bar inside the opening will move up. Put the wire in and screw the bar down to secure it. If you are using something like a Fastrack terminal just insert one prong of the spade connector in the opening and tighten it down.
2. The Commander runs in two modes: DC or DCS. I am confused about what kinds of engines you want to run. As a straight DC power supply you could run some LIONEL engines. I had an RS3 conventional engine produced in the time frame of your T-1 and it would run on either AC or a DC power supply. The DCS mode would only be for MTH engines. Better ask someone you owns one of the engines you have to give you some advice on DC operation. You should NOT try to run Legacy with DC.
3. When you mentioned the handheld are you talking about the full MTH DCS system? MTH made a Remote Commander but that won't run Lionel engines.
It doesn't do AC to the track. If the T-1 can run off of DC, it will work. Some Lionel will run on DC
Okay well I guess I will found out tomorrow! The T-1 has a pullmor which I THINK can run off both... My other question is, can the Commander and my Z-1000 transformer be connected together somehow so I don't have to switch between them if I wanted to run a PS-1 engine since they are AC powered?
JFC454 posted:1. Yes, just bare the two wires, as you unscrew the screw you will notice a little bar inside the opening will move up. Put the wire in and screw the bar down to secure it. If you are using something like a Fastrack terminal just insert one prong of the spade connector in the opening and tighten it down.
2. The Commander runs in two modes: DC or DCS. I am confused about what kinds of engines you want to run. As a straight DC power supply you could run some LIONEL engines. I had an RS3 conventional engine produced in the time frame of your T-1 and it would run on either AC or a DC power supply. The DCS mode would only be for MTH engines. Better ask someone you owns one of the engines you have to give you some advice on DC operation. You should NOT try to run Legacy with DC.
3. When you mentioned the handheld are you talking about the full MTH DCS system? MTH made a Remote Commander but that won't run Lionel engines.
Yep I am using fastrack so that should work and yes I was talking about the full system
You can use the brick that you have from the Z1000 transformer to power the Commander but the output will still be DC. In short, use the Commander if you want to use DCS with MTH engines newer than PS1. Use the Z1000 with its controller to run PS1 and Lionel engines in conventional mode.
I see, well thanks guys for the help!!
TMCC or Legacy will NOT run on DC.