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I need help.  Guidance more than anything.  I just today tried to download the DCS Loader Program.  Let me explain what I did, and then someone please tell me where I am getting off the path.

I went to the website, easy peasy.  I found the download.  I clicked download.  My virus software went nuts and pleaded with me not to download the file as all virus software do when they see something they don't recognize, kind of like my mom's dog and the whole barking thing.  I ignored it.  I clicked RUN.  Some little box comes up with a whole litany of choices.  It also tells me that if I unzip this file, it will send it to C:\users\owner\appdata\local\temp.  I clicked unzip.  Two files unzipped.  Did I mention that appdata is not one of the folders under owner?  So, local and temp are also not found, by me at least.

So, I saved the file to a place on my computer that I know very well, and there it was, the file in question.  V5 something something.  So I double clicked it.  The same box of unzip choices came up again.  I clicked unzip.  Same result.  NOTHING.  Nothing happened.  Says two files were unzipped, but I have no idea where they are or if they are in some sort of runnable format so I can use the loader program.  I can't update my TIU and Remote if I don't have the loader program.

Please help

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