I currently have a 8 x 15 platform, with a portion elevated, in which I run 5 trains (4 O & 1 S) and one Trolly line (O ). I have had this set up for about 7 or 8 years. I use 3 ZW's to power all trains and the multitude of accessories I run. Off the ZW's I run to a TIU (older labeled proto sound 2 and only version 6.10). The TIU controls 4 tracks of my 6 working tracks (2 in Command & 2 in Conventional). The 2 engines in command are an MTH Proto 2 and an MTH Proto 3. My remaining 2 tracks not controlled by the handheld are just controlled by a ZW. I am looking to expand an add a 7th and or 8th line to the platform. i would like to have all tracks controlled by one handheld. My question is, can my one single TIU control more then 4 lines, especially if all my engines are not protosound 2 or 3? My guess, it can not. So, what do I need to do to accomplish what I want to do? Do I just need another TIU and how do I hook/link them all together. Any help would be great.
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