Hi there,
we've been working on something new (but kind of expensive) to try and make GRJ's booster work at full amplitude while avoiding swamping out the DCS packets with a full 14V 455 KHz carrier. You may remember our first attempt chronicled in the (old post).
The new idea is to capture the 900 MHz signal early and adjust the legacy carrier in advance of the DCS DS/SS packet being applied to the track ports. The design isn't done yet, but as a starting point we've been doing latency measurements of the TIUs. I'm just posting the measurements/numbers here in case anyone wants/needs this information for their projects. Each TIU port (Fixed1,2 Variable 1,2) have different delays from the radio since their interrogated sequentially.
28ms + Tprop best case
58ms + Tprop worst case.
Even on a 10 MHz micro-controller, 28ms is a lot of time to do things. I'll post the entire booster concept once I have it worked out. Note: yes we're aware it doesn't work for the WiFi app but we don't use it in our club so I'm just focused on the remotes right now.