Attached is the 58 dealer list of the up coming Cleveland 2rail O Scale Meet Nov 4. We are sold out!
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We are packing for our annual trip to Willoughby for the Cleveland O Scale Show in Kirtland, Ohio on Saturday. Hope to see many of you there.
Hopefully we won't end up like Garth Williams...
Is Garth still riding that train?
No, he got off
The list finally came through. I am afraid your sense of humor escapes me. I don't get it about Garth. Who is Garth? Clue me in so we can all laugh. Sam
While I am unable to be there, O Scale Trains will be there with back issues, etc.
Sam Shumaker posted:The list finally came through. I am afraid your sense of humor escapes me. I don't get it about Garth. Who is Garth? Clue me in so we can all laugh. Sam
Twilight Zone episode. Business man get off the Train at "Willoughby" and the town is a throw back to a turn of the century town with a town square etc etc etc a simpler life. He "gets" off the train by jumping and is picked up by Willoughby funeral home.
Sam Shumaker posted:The list finally came through. I am afraid your sense of humor escapes me. I don't get it about Garth. Who is Garth? Clue me in so we can all laugh. Sam
"A Stop at Willoughby" is an episode of the Twilight Zone, in the which the protagonist is named Gart Williams. Mr. Williams ends up dead by the end of the episode, having been killed after jumping off the train he rides daily to and from work.
I will be at this meet with a few items for sale at the Sunset tables with Bob Heil.
Joe Foehrkolb
Baldwin Forge & Machine.
Good show Did some selling and buying. The best part was talking to all of the acquaintances from past shows and making new ones. The Friday night dinner and presentation was great. Thanks to all who worked to set that up. It was my first visit to the Youngstown club. What a treat. Thanks to all who came a long way to make it to the show.
I am so glad you all are enjoying all of this as this is what this hobby has always been about. It is you the participants that makes the shows and as long as we keep getting that we will have one. I wanted to mention that we have had some very loyal attendees over the years who never missed this show. For this we are very grateful. In addition to the activities we gave away 6 door prizes valued at $150 not including a show $25 gift certificate and we do this every year. A thank you to all for your complements. The best to you all in this thankful time of year throughout the holidays. Sam