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I am looking for some kind of bridge overpass kit similar to the attachment below. I was at TCA York a few years ago and there was a person/company that make this style of kit for O scale but I can't seem to find them anywhere in my online searches or anything like it in o scale. If there is anyone out there that has a recommendation it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and best regards, Geo.

Arched Road Bridge - Street System -- Kit - 7-3/4 x 10-3/8 x 3-7/8

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If you're so inclined to 'scratch' something using foamcore, sheet/strip styrene or wood, etc., I can offer a suggestion to replicate the railings shown in your photo...

Find so model ship (old sailing variety) stanchions, like these.   Space and place them between base and cap strips of styrene.  place sections of the railing beween pillars.  Paint a cast or stone color

Here's a station construction in progress showing the railings made as such...


I used 8 stanchions per section of railing between pillars.  As the referenced package indicates they come 40 to a pack...which made 5 railing sections.  Your photo shows similar proportions...requiring two packs to do the job.

Nice bridge, though!  I think I'd try scratch building something like that myself if the need arose.  If you do the same, be sure to share your work with us...!




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