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The O Scale National Convention is 4 weeks away (June 8-11) in Denver, Colorado. The National Convention, most likely, will not be held in Denver again for quite some time, so do not pass up this opportunity to visit David Stewart's Appalachian & Ohio and Jeff MacDonald's High Plains Route Layouts.
Union Pacific Ed Dickens will be the guest speaker at the Friday night banquet. U.P. Dickens is in charge of the Steam Heritage Program.
The Denver Committee for 2023 is the same group who gave the O Scale Community a Convention in June of 2021, when things were just beginning to open up from the pandemic. These folks are working just as hard in 2023 to offer an even better meet than 2021.
For their efforts in 2021, as an Attendee, I feel we owe them the chance at the best, most successful meet possible. So please, join us in 4 weeks if at all possible. Many Hotel Rooms are still available. I'm not exactly sure when the reservation cutoff is, however I do believe it's sneaking up rather quickly. If you have issues reserving rooms, like I did, reach out to the committee and they will quicky resolve any issue.
Last edited by Brad Kowal
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