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Hey Folks,

I want to set up a stupid simple diesel horn underneath my table, so I can blow it for my little diesel engines that don't have a horn feature.   I see online several  Lionel or almost-Lionel diesel horns, with wires attached for radio batteries.  Some of them have two battery snapon hookups, wired in series, so that you can attach two batteries.

Any idea how long a radio battery lasts when used with one of these things.  I don't run the trains much, but when I do, I blow the horns fairly often.     Hard to answer, I know, but how often are folks having to replace these batteries.   10 blows?  100 blows?    Months?  Years?

Any estimates or guesses would be appreciated. 

Also, I have a cheap used N gauge DC starter transformer.  Do you think that this would be good enough to power it?  Or way too much?   



Original Post

Like most electrical questions that we can answer for you, it helps to know some more information. Can you provide the model number of one horn that you're considering?  Maybe we can figure out from data sheets what the current draw is.

Generally, my recommendation is to use a DC supply, such as the one you have already, rather than using batteries. You could tell us some more about the supply, such as the output voltage and wattage capabilities.

The next step is to match the supply to the load.

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