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What better place to be on a Saturday morning than the diner:


Can you smell the bacon and the coffee? Am I making you hungry? LOL

Now you can show off your diners here.

I bet I got you in the mood for some bacon and eggs.  LOL, Arnold




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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
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Nice looking diner Arnold!  Here is my K- Line Broadway Diner. Yes, that is a 50’s-style Batmobile in the parking lot.  Speaking of ‘smelling the bacon’, this has a smoke unit and I tried some bacon-flavored smoke fluid several years ago. Unfortunately it smelled more like burning rubber .



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@Ron045 posted:

Very Nice Arnold...

If that is a NJ Diner, then that good smell is a Pork Roll (Taylor's Ham) Egg and Cheese.  That is the one thing I miss from NJ.  Just can't get that kind of sandwich in PA.

The Best New Jersey Food Trucks: Jersey Roll - Best of NJ

But you, Ron, can get the World's greatest cheese steak in the great state of Pennsylvania (that's a big compliment from a life long New Yorker like me)!

The Philly cheese steak will be on the menu at my diner. LOL, Arnold

@rjsmithindy posted:

Nice looking diner Arnold!  Here is my K- Line Broadway Diner. Yes, that is a 50’s-style Batmobile in the parking lot.  Speaking of ‘smelling the bacon’, this has a smoke unit and I tried some bacon-flavored smoke fluid several years ago. Unfortunately it smelled more like burning rubber .


Love that illuminated sign, rjsmithindy.

@sidehack posted:

I had my sausage, eggs, home fries and toast with juice and coffee


Very nice, Ray.

Speaking of coffee, I am so glad I have coffee scented MTH smoke fluid, and can have one of my MTH steamers parked on a siding next to my diner.

I suppose one of you advanced modelers has a fan driven smoke fluid installed in your diner so bacon or coffee scented smoke comes out of a chimney.

Oops, I see that Rob already has the smoke unit in his diner. Arnold

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
@rjsmithindy posted:

Nice looking diner Arnold!  Here is my K- Line Broadway Diner. Yes, that is a 50’s-style Batmobile in the parking lot.  Speaking of ‘smelling the bacon’, this has a smoke unit and I tried some bacon-flavored smoke fluid several years ago. Unfortunately it smelled more like burning rubber .


Love that K Line diner and the cars parked next to it.

When my 31 year old son (who is getting married next week) was a little kid, he had a batman costume and wore it to church! The pastor would laugh when he saw my son, and would shout: "there's Batman!" Arnold

@rjsmithindy posted:

.............Here is my K- Line Broadway Diner................. Speaking of ‘smelling the bacon’, this has a smoke unit and I tried some bacon-flavored smoke fluid several years ago. Unfortunately it smelled more like burning rubber .

I bought and tried some imitation smoke flavoring once for cooking burgers on the grill.  They must have used the same burning rubber recipe to get their artificial flavoring, too.  Yechhh!!! 

Great looking diner scene, by the way.  Including the 50's era Batmobile! 

Arnold that's an unique diner you have there. What's the mfr?

Pete, Stan's looks an awful lot like Joe's Diner/ telephone.  I've got one waiting to go on my layout.  Tested it out a few months ago and couldn't get Rock Around the Clock to stop no matter what.  Pulled the power to try to reset it then just got static.  I'll have to open it up to see if I can disconnect the sound so that I can at least have lights.

@coach joe posted:


Pete, Stan's looks an awful lot like Joe's Diner/ telephone.  I've got one waiting to go on my layout.  Tested it out a few months ago and couldn't get Rock Around the Clock to stop no matter what.  Pulled the power to try to reset it then just got static.  I'll have to open it up to see if I can disconnect the sound so that I can at least have lights.

Coach Joe,

Good catch, yes it is a modified Diner/phone.  I removed the electronics and relighted it years ago.  Wish I had saved the board, I could have sent ti to you

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