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OK I have been experimenting with the relays to operate the signal detection system in the "OS" of a switch. The switch is a Ross, using the two inside rails to detect the train. This also operates the non derailing aspect for the DZ1000 switch motor.


I haven't come up with a schematic to operate both the non-derailing and the signal detection at the same time. When it is all hooked up, the one route causes the switch to be energized all the time.


My thought was would it be possible to add a diode to each detection wire so current only flows one way? That way there would be no path to the other wire when only one is activated by the train wheels.

Or maybe someplace else in the circut that maybe causing an unintended ground, possibly between the relays and circuit boards for 3W and 3WD.  


The way I see it, a diode is place to prevent a reverse path for current, or a path to ground.  


It may bee that one of the signal enhancements from Custom Signals is hampering my solution. I have a Tumble Down board that  causes all the signals to drop red in the opposite direction a train is running. (3 imtermediate and the two A Blocks at the switch). A train running east at point "A" will cause all the westbond signals to drop red up to and incudling the next siding, point "B" . This would cause any westbound train to have a Stop indication at the switch and prevent it from entering the single track.  



Switch 001


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  • Switch 001
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