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While trapped in the house because of the smoke your mind wanders, sometimes a good thing, usually not.

I have been picking up fall and halloween colored stuff at the dollar store and garage sales.

Today I was in the cupboard and REDISCOVERED a coffee grinder that I have been carrying around

for at least two moves. The mind clicked into gear and I started thinking "ground cover". I started

searching for all my purchases.

A bag of silky fake leaves turned into orange fluff. Possibly useable. Some orange shredded paper

became some nicely ground orange bits. Again possibly useable. A little green blob of something fuzzy

was a total failure, styrofoam inside. My best hope was some dried spanish moss from the dollar

store, right color, right texture, dismal failure. Clogged the grinder and burned it up. I am hoping

the grinder has a thermal switch and will work again. Not a total failure over all, I think I

have one more grinder and loads more junk scenery stuff.

Have a great day.  John

"a mind is a terrible thing to waste"



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