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eddie g posted:

They don't have hard copies any more. There catalog is now on line. I would much rather have a hard copy to buy from.

I'm with you, Eddie! When it comes to things like multi-page (many pages, in fact) catalogs, I prefer a print product because it is faster and easier to browse through in most cases. Also easier to jump back and forth to compare items. There's nothing wrong with online "stuff" at all, and I imagine I spend more time online than 90% of the people reading this, but I still very much like the convenience and permanence of print products.

Guys...we all are part of this problem!  If you want print products, then in a case like our magazine, you may want to consider a print subscription.....  One reason why OGR offers a digital subscription is because so many of you have left print and now get your "fix" by free forums like this one and many others.  This forum is expensive to maintain and now counts on forum sponsors to keep it going. long as the digital trend continues like it is, you can count on your hobby magazines to eventually stop offering print....

Well obviously there are companies who LOVE to send us catalogs of useless nick-nacks and gizmos that 95% hit the round recycle can without so much as a thumb through glance.

And like Allan M., I save my printed train related catalogs no matter the age as such, because its so much faster than waiting the page.  ( but to be fair, I am on a slow 2mB DSL line so that probably accounts for the slowness.)  And then there is the wait factor, a print I can grab and find while I have to wait for computer startup then loading then thumbing through unless catalog has a search function (which often isn't very good if looking for a specific product or manufacturer ie it ain't Google search engine powered)

jjames9641 posted:

Seems like the Radio Shack catalog started this years ago. I use to look forward to getting the new one every year. I understand the cost of printing but I prefer a hard copy if I have a choice. Times are changing like it or not!!

Thanks, now I feel old!!

I loved that catalog with all the parts and stuff as a kid and regularly patronized the stores.  They were the Dig-Key and Mousers of a bygone era I think.

Why can't train manufacturers get hobbyist mailing lists to send targeted catalogs etc.?  Now theres an OGR idea, let forum member opt in to be avalanched with train catalogs from Micro-mark, MTH, Lionel, Scenic Express etc 

Instead we get printed stuff from organizations and companies we never heard of and thus round filed.  My dad made aone time small contribution to a native American organization and he got stuff month after month.  When he passed away, I wrote to them to delete his name. Guess what?, now I am getting the stuff, and just recycling it.

This only use I would have for a hard copy of their catalog would be to level a table, prop open a door, or put down the budgie.  

I get way too many catalogs and this time of year that only increases - best part of that is this correlates with the weather so that I use them in the fireplace.

Last edited by mwb
Allan Miller posted:
eddie g posted:

They don't have hard copies any more. There catalog is now on line. I would much rather have a hard copy to buy from.

I'm with you, Eddie! When it comes to things like multi-page (many pages, in fact) catalogs, I prefer a print product because it is faster and easier to browse through in most cases. Also easier to jump back and forth to compare items. There's nothing wrong with online "stuff" at all, and I imagine I spend more time online than 90% of the people reading this, but I still very much like the convenience and permanence of print products.

Plus Allan, a quality print copy is always much closer in color rendition than the worlds computer screens. Willing to pay for hard copies if required to do so for items where actual color is the most important factor.

Last edited by BobbyD

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