Pretty ridiculous, I appreciate.
It's a serious question though. I am about to start collecting trees but I wonder how the cat will react to them?
Terry D.
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Pretty ridiculous, I appreciate.
It's a serious question though. I am about to start collecting trees but I wonder how the cat will react to them?
Terry D.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
My two have never touched the trees. They did bite the head off one of my figures. But they do leave a lot of cat hair all over my tracks.
PS: I forgot, one or both of them have used the top of my foam walls as scratching posts.
Its a fair question. Yes mine has chewed on a few. Its no big deal as the damage is not that bad. Gives the trees more character.
My cat have never touch any trees, even when I used real trunk.
No cat vs train issues here......
But when my wife was raising and showing MANX cats we often had 4-8 kittens running around the house. They did crew on many items.....we found a spray called 'Bitter apple' that was 100% natural non-harmful but cats HATE it. We sprayed it on every power cord or phone line we more chewing.
Boy could I use some of this "Bitter Apple", where did you get it?
Paul Edgar
No • But my neighbors cat walks on my truck.
No but plagued with spiders & their webs , tried peppermint oil spray but does not stop them.
Bitter Apple is available in pet stores, pet departments, and online.
My dog chewed up the trees I had on my christmas layout. ripped up the cotton balls i had glues down for snow mounds as well.
my cat likes to sleep on the layout and walk thru tunnels
No, we had cats for twenty-three years with no problems.
I have a door between my trainroom and the rest of the house so there not allowed down there but I have one that the wife calls sneaky Pete ( note it only does it when it is her going thru the door and refuses to listen to wife and get where you can't reach her or goes under the second level and hide then I have to go down and get her out I just yell at her and she flies off the table and flies thru the open door to the rest of the house. It is funny in a way wife tries to get her she will just sit back there and ignore the wife like who do you think you are lady I just have to normally open the door and she on the run thru the house. doesn't bother anything on the train table she just like's being up there.
I have a simple rule: NO cats in the train room, period, no excuses. If one should get into the train room, it will be immediately dispatched to the nearest animal shelter.
I have a simple rule: NO cats in the train room, period, no excuses. If one should get into the train room, it will be immediately dispatched to the nearest animal shelter.
That's the rule I have with the wife's I have to convince him to come into the layout room!!!
My cats ate my dad's #76 boulevard lights, left hairballs and upchuck on scenery (some of it got on a milk car platform and the metal disintegrated!!!), and their hair inevitably gets wrapped around axles and such... Now, in my house, the cats are not allowed in the train room. The only issue I have had was when I threw out some old blown out miniature bulbs - one of my cats raided the garbage and decided to carry the bubs all around the house.
Well, I expected a bunch of roll-eyes or "dispatch the cat" suggestions.
Banning him from the train room is not an option. It's HIS room!! LOL! So far he has been good about sharing it with trains. Guess I'll see about how he takes to the scenery.
Catch the cat in the act and give it a good squirting with water. Keep a full squirt bottle handy to your layout.
Just don't try a squirt bottle on a Maine Coon. Some of them are so fond of water that they'll do whatever it was to get squirted again.
Ours don't get to go around the trains or my yarn. I could make a blanket out of the fur they've left around over the years!
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