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I believe this subject was covered a couple years ago, maybe?  Didn't do a search....but it sounds familiar.


Anyhow, the solution one of our customers used on his HO layout...which will work for O, to start with corrugated styrene.  JTT, Plastruct, et al, make the stuff.  Select a corrugation size that, when you cut two rows of corrugation, the strip height will approximate that of a highway safety rail.  Then, drill holes and spot round, square, H-column, ...whatever..., posts along your road.  Clamp the 2-corrugation strip to the posts and apply solvent adhesive...Testors, Plastic Weld, Tenax, the joints.


The same customer found that with a pair of smooth-jawed pliers (no grip serrations) he could flatten the end of a corrugation strip to simulate the end treatment of some styles of safety rail.  I know some highways have the rail ends simply twist down to the ground for the approach transition, so there's lots of ways to 'skin the cat' on this detail.


Anyhow, a sheet of the appropriate corrugated styrene cut into strips of 2 corrugations should make quite a bit of safety rail.


Painted silver-gray...aged with rust here and there, should look pretty cool.


FWIW, always....



Last edited by dkdkrd

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