I have a dreyfuss with proto 2 that was converted over to a 3 volt board got everything to work sound steam chuffs but the front light will not come on and i tried on off switch with remote and a new bulb. any one that done a 5v to 3 volt conversion tell me what to do. Is there a wire in the tender that i might not of hooked up. I dont know.
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I believe the bulbs may be different voltages. Is the bulb still good?
when i looked the bulb was black so i screwed in a new one and i didnt get anything. so i dont know because i am not getting any light at all to tell.
The bulbs are the same voltage whether 5v or 3v. Two things I would check are: 1) The new light bulb, is it a 6 volt bulb? If it is a 18 volt used for track power lighting it might be to dim to see as the PS2 board only puts out 6 volts. 2) Check your wiring from the light back to the 10 pin PCB board under the cab and look for any breaks, shorts, pinched wires.
i will try that . I also notice that when i enter it into my remote engine is found but does not load a name into the spot in my case engine 7 . then i had to edit to put name dreyfuss but all other engines that i have mth enter the name in automatically. Also is it possible when the board went in i didnt hook a wire up in the tender the right way why the light isn't working.
The fact that you changed the board is why it doesn't remember the name. You apparently have to have the service loader program to load the sound file and change the name in the process. That was discussed in another thread here.
ok i looked in the engine and all wires look good in the engine all the way to the pins. i am thinking it has to be in the tender where there is a wire that is hooked up wrong or i didnt hook up at all
When MTH made up the 3v board with the 5v connectors for you, they apparently forgot to load the engine type/roadname. This can be fixed as you did it. This will stay with the engine until it is reset. To make it permanent you need to take it to a service center that has the dealer loader. That being said, did you try a reset on the engine to see if that restored the light function? The headlight is located on the 12 pin connector in the tender. You could double check to make sure that those wires are also not pinched or broken. You could also unplug the 12 pin connector and reseat it to make sure all the connectors make contact.
i will try the reset and see what happens
tried reset of the engine and still the same it has to be the connection in the board i installed. but dont have instructions i did it blind so dont know where the light would be on the board
So this was a PS-2 with a screw in bulb vice GOW? Have you tested the bulb separately with a battery to ensure a good bulb? G
how do i light up a light bulb with a battery. this bulb is a small screw base bulb. What size battery
any one have the part # for this bulb so i can call midge and order new one and see what happens with new bulb 30-1231-1 dreyfuss with new 3v board
Ok, On these bulbs they usually have locktite holding them in. I have found that they need to be retighten to get good contact.
You can unscrew it and then use a DC source of 3-5V test it like any bulb.
Make sure no corrosion in socket or tip of bulb, then rescrew in tightly and try again.
Since they're supposed to be 6V bulbs, I'd probably start with a 3V battery. You can use two 1.5V cells in series to test.
The part for the 6v screw in light is: CA-0000038
so i tested the bulb with transformer and alligator clips and the bulb works but when i went to put it back in i noticed that its hard to twist in and maybe its not touching bottom of base. is there more then 1 bulb that mth has with diffrnt base. Maybe i will just wait till midge sends me new one she order today for me
ok will try that plus i think i will oil threads so it will go in smoother
well i got the bulbs from mth but midge sent me the bulbs that light the fire box and they are these little looks to be led on wire and a plug. is there a way i can swap this style on the engine instead of the 6v screw base.