Hello all-
Here are a few photos of my most recent build, S&H Hardware. It is adapted from the Downtown Deco kit 'Bingo's Pool Hall'. S&H Hardware is located in NE Philadelphia - I grew up in that area and went to S&H as a kiddo in the 1970s and 1980s to get my trains (I am not sure if they sell trains anymore, as I do not live up that way anymore - last time I was there, they had many shelves full of leftover MPC Lionel). I can remember loving my trips with my parents to S&H when they needed something from the Hardware store - just so I could check out the trains - I remember it like it was yesterday. This build looks nothing like the S&H store itself, but I just wanted it represented on my layout.
I did not add much to the sides yet, as I am not sure where this will go in relation to other buildings.
The build is a combination of techniques learned from Mike Lynch (MadMike3434), Roger M of Stoney Creek, Randy from DTD, and Tom Yorke (and some things I came up with on my own). Mike Lynch has been of great help to my providing ideas and constructive feedback and encouragement.
I used acrylics for the brick, with Builders in Scale Mortar. Some of the other coloring and weathering was done with Pan Pastels. The roof is Stoney Creek Designs paper.
Thanks to Andre Garcia of River Leaf Models for making the 'Saw' sign and the antenna. I really like his antenna kit, and the 'Saw' Hardware sign worked out great for this building.
The letters on the from sign (below the 'Saw') are from Vector Cut. They are laser cut, and were glued to a small piece of plywood. The little wrenches on the sign are also from Vector Cut. The 1907 address plate is also from Vector Cut.
The blinds in the door are from Builders in scale. The little curtain pulls are from Andre at River Leaf Models.
The AC unit above the front door is a Yorke casting. The AC unit on the rear wall is a DTD casting
I set in the back wall a bit to avoid a butt joint.
This was a fairly unique DTD kit, as the front piece is resin, the other walls are plaster.