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An editorial in Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette extolls a plethora of his structure construction articles that

appeared in Railroad Model Craftsman and assorted other model magazines in years past.  I may have a few

of these articles in old MR's, etc..  I checked the internet references to "E.L. Moore",  where people were listing a

lot of what he'd done, but I don't think there is a published compiled list, or reprinting of his efforts?  Apparently,

a number of commercial kits in HO have been done based on his articles.

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E.L. Moore was a prolific builder and writer for the model railroad press back in the 1950’s and 60’s. I remember him well, and found early fascination with his many excellent articles. My very first wooden model was built from his “backwoods water tank” article. I was a young teenager at the time; all I had for tools was single edge razor blades, emery sticks, Elmer’s white glue, and water color paint…and balsa wood of course. Here is a photo of it, HO Scale obviously, and I still display it on a shelf even though I made the switch to O scale several years ago.





Images (1)
  • ELMoore-1

From what I remember, there is no published collection of all of the Moore articles.  RMC seems unwilling to be bothered to assemble those that they published (~55?) and as I recall, there were a maybe another 30(?) published in other magazines.  Getting multiple publishers to cooperate on such a project seemed to be the primary impediment.


I did some of the resin castings for one of the HO kits, Bunn's Feed & Seed, a number of years ago.


Just having a comprehensive list of these articles would be a good start.

Originally Posted by Bill Robb:
Originally Posted by mwb:



Just having a comprehensive list of these articles would be a good start.

Here's a link with a list of 53 articles.  Scroll down for a more complete list.

Thanks.  I have that same list and those 53 articles available in my library since I have RMC back into 1953.  Some of the other publications outside of RMC are ones that I am missing access to and will have to track down.

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