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I have a Weaver engine with a transplant LionChief board.  Engine has two motors with flywheels.  It runs great, but it runs too fast.  I saw in another thread for "Fast Engines" it was suggested to wire the motors in series to slow them.

I want to ensure I fully understand series....

Positive and Negative from the LC board to one motor #1, then from motor #1 over to motor number #2.  Do I have that right?  

I really need to take a basic electronics class...





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That sounds like parallel wiring?

(I'm not sure if the board's single motor output can handle 2 motors as described so I defer to someone else who's a tech.)

The board's output + leaves the board and goes to the first motors +. The minus from that motor goes to the next motor's +. That second motor's - goes back to the board. Think of it like drawing a circle of wire around in a loop.

Make sure the motors run in the correct direction together. Swap out the + and - wires at the motor if they don't.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

I have re-wired all of my K-line and Williams engines in series to slow them down. The K-line motors are truck-mounted and spin in opposite directions so you have to watch rotation.

2018-01-21 12.00.222018-01-21 12.00.32

The Williams were easy. I took the plugs off the board and was able to release the wire from the plug. A fork crimp connector acted as the new connector. This eliminated having to cut any wires.

2019-10-14 15.39.322019-10-14 15.45.262019-10-14 15.49.28


Images (5)
  • 2019-10-14 15.39.32
  • 2019-10-14 15.45.26
  • 2019-10-14 15.49.28
  • 2018-01-21 12.00.22
  • 2018-01-21 12.00.32

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