OK, just joined the ranks of failed engines club
Started my MTH 30-1163-1 N&W Y6b steamer that for unknown reason derailed on a Ross tinplate switch that it has never had problem with before.
Few sparks then lights out. Rerailed engine, reset fast ACX breaker, restartd TIU and remote. Engine not Found, Check track, Tried another engine and it runs OK. Waited, retried Y6b, nothing.
So who on this forum can suggest repair person(s) who would have these PS2 board(s) and willing to tackle this (probably MTH would not have boards or chips to do this anymore IMO)? Or can this beast be upgraded to PS3 for "few" bucks more? Or just be a shelf queen and save my pennies for a PS3 version of a Y6b?
So much for TVSs, ACX quick breaker and backup fuse. Always something. Should I also post this to 3 rail forum for wider discussion?
Better yet, think I'll just have another cup of that fermented Christmas eggnog !!