I live in Brevard NC not far from Hendersonville NC. . I have a Jersey Central 3241 engine. It seems to run ok when no cars are attached When I attach cars to it it runs then strains to a stop.
Can any one recommend where I can go to have the engine looked at and repaired?
That engine (#2341, not 3241) is one of postwar Lionel's strongest and should be capable of pulling at least 20 postwar Lionel cars. I had the Lackawanna version pulling, with NO problems, 16 postwar 6464 boxcars and a caboose.
I doubt that anything is broken or is in need of replacement if it runs with no cars. My guess is that the motors (there are two!) need a cleaning (Brushes and commutator) and lube (I like Liquid Bearings brand synthetic oil). The grease in the truck gears has probably turned into molasses and needs to be flushed out (I use rubbing alcohol) and replaced (I use white lithium grease).
Not difficult if you have any mechanical ability.