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On this Memorial Day Weekend, we can salute our essential workers, which includes, among many others, our railroad workers, military, police, firemen, health care providers and workers, sanitation workers, cleaning people, and grocery store workers on our layouts.

Here is one of mine:


As Alicia Keyes sings in her new hit song, I say to all our essential workers: Good Job, Good Job!

Show us the essential workers on your layout. 



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  • 20200523_084517: Essential Workers
Original Post

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Once again Arnold, you have brought to us another wonderful thread!!  Thank you!

Although set in the late 1940s' - late 1950's time period here is Patsburg's tribute to essential workers of 2020 Covid 19.  


Fire Dept. and EMT/EMS personnel. IMG_0772

Home fuel delivery personnel. IMG_1745

Liquor stores.  ( Okay not essential to all folks, but heck,  a nice beer every now and then is a nice luxury especially during 2020 Covid 19 crisis ) IMG_3740

Sanitation workers on on the front lines. ..... in my neighborhood every Tuesday and Thursday.   These guys just got off work circa 1954.  IMG_0066

Truckers who are an essential part of the supply chain. IMG_4388

Trans- loading personal who again are an essential part of the supply chain. IMG_4409IMG_4436

Delivery drivers who get stuff to our homes safely so we do not have to venture out.  Policeman/women (who probably haven't had to hand out as many speeding tickets and parking violations over the last couple months) who are always there to keep us safe from whatever may come.  IMG_0440

Musicians  of ALL genres, who while not performing in live venues right now, provide music for all to enjoy as we are at home  ... via iPod, XM radio, live stream concerts, on line performances etc. and music recorded before the pandemic.    What is a day without music .... music is everywhere helping to lighten our load .... the soundtrack of our lives,  before Covid 19, certainly during and will be after.   IMG_0435

Railroad workers play such an extremely vital part in keeping our supply chain moving.  IMG_0521

Comedians who keep us all laughing during these uncharted times.  Laughter is wonderful medicine!   Here is my attempt at a bit of comedy!   A precious commodity load is being delivered to Patsburg. IMG_2094I wish I had some grocery store check out folks & stock personnel, doctors, nurses, pharmacy personnel but I unfortunately am coming up short in my "little folks drawer" where I store extra citizens who rotate in out to populate Patsburg.   My total heartfelt appreciation goes out to all those folks too.  


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Once again, Patrick, you have hit a grand slam home run with your above post. I, for one, was waiting for you to chime in, and now you have, big time, presenting photos of the myriad essential workers on your layout. The guys standing next to the garbage truck are my favorites.

Prrhorseshoecurve, our letter carriers, postal workers and delivery people are all very essential IMO. I think I have a mail man on my layout being attacked by a dog that I will try to find and post.


Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

The city of Christopolis, the suburb of Terryville and the Great Northeastern Railway thank Arnold for this GREAT thread and all of the essential workers that make life possible.

Thanks to the farm workers for their tireless toil caring for the animals and tending the crops so we all can be fed.


Thanks to the longshoremen working night and day to unload the ships that bring us essential imported goods.


Thanks to the railroad Maintenance of way crews who keep the rail lines open and make them safe.


Thanks to the construction workers for their diligent efforts in all weather conditions building houses for our residents.


A special thanks to our hero, tirelessly defending our city from the forces of evil.


Thank you railroad unloading crews for helping essential goods carried by our trains to get where they are most needed.


The Great Northeastern Railroad thanks our former "Chairman of the Bored", Chaz, for his nightly track inspections to insure the safety of our passengers and railroad workers.

Chaz Walking on Track [3)

Thanks to our engine maintenance crews that keep the locomotives that pull the trains to deliver our essential goods on the tracks and running.

Pennsy Engine in the Yards

Thanks to our train crews working night and day that run the trains and keep the supply lines open.


Thanks to the delivery and unloading crews that move the goods that keep our essential stores open.


All of us, except maybe the guy in the foreground running, thank our police department for keeping our streets safe.


Thanks to our Fire Department for risking their very lives to keep us all safe.



And, thanks to old Santa Claus and his loyal crew at the North Pole for tirelessly working all year long so that we will all have a very merry Christmas!

North Pole

Essential workers, our gratitude is deeply heart-felt. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Pennsy Engine in the Yards
  • Trouble Brewing
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  • North Pole
  • Chaz Walking on Track (3)
Last edited by Randy Harrison

I am, once again, blown away by all of the great contributions you folks make, which is what makes topics like this one so much fun, so meaningful and so inspiring to me.

Now these guys in the photo below may not seem like essential workers, but maybe they are because when they do some mischief, they give others something to do so they can do essential work. Isn't that an interesting twist?



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Thanks for sharing your post. Thanks to the USPS is definitely in order. I also like your Mack tractor. In my youth, during the last part of my undergraduate study, I was a part-time tractor trailer driver and drove a Mack duplex for a while.

 Thanks very much Randy'... I drove the Macks in the Army in Europe'... And I for one love the USPS... I've been buying items through the mail since I was a kid'......It was special back then getting something in the mail....Today is it common place'...😉

@RailRide posted:

Where's Ma Bell?

Phones gottta ring too


PJC, I retired last fall from 43 years working for the power and later telecom utilities.  I do have a lot of telephone related mementos since I worked half my career at the same independent telecom where my dad worked his entire career after returning from the Army in 1954.  I certainly would have been essential, but now I am an (essential) layout builder!  LOL

prrhorseshoecurve reminds us that:

"And what about us mail people? Like we are not essential delivering to your address 6 days a week... sometimes 7 if you ordered from Amazon."

I say:

The United States Postal Service is essential to commerce and personal communication – even in the age of “smart” phones and the internet. The people of the USPS have my support. “Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Dark of Night Shall Stay These Couriers from The Swift Completion of Their Appointed Rounds." And, also dogs - and snow. I consider the USPS to be essential.




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  • MELGAR_2020_0525_01_POSTMAN
  • MELGAR_2020_0525_02_POST_OFFICE
Last edited by MELGAR

Dedicated to our fellow forum member PRRhorseshoecurve .... and all the thousands of US postal workers on the front lines everyday of the week ( Express Mail on Sundays ).  They keep those cards, letters, and packages coming on going from our homes on a daily basis.  I'm grateful to see my mailman pull up to the mailbox 6 days a week!  I've yelled out a special "thank you for being here each day"  to him many times during our stay at home time.    I'm so glad to find these photos in my archives to pay tribute to the USPS .... a fabulous public service before, during, and after COVID - 19!!IMG_6952IMG_6953


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Comedians who keep us all laughing during these uncharted times.  Laughter is wonderful medicine!   Here is my attempt at a bit of comedy!   A precious commodity load is being delivered to Patsburg. IMG_2094I wish I had some grocery store check out folks & stock personnel, doctors, nurses, pharmacy personnel but I unfortunately am coming up short in my "little folks drawer" where I store extra citizens who rotate in out to populate Patsburg.   My total heartfelt appreciation goes out to all those folks too.  

Patrick, You needed a squad of soldiers guarding this high value commodity.

I think ALL workers are essential, especially to the worker.    Unless we live in utopia, your job is essential for your livelihood.   

And from an economic viewpoint, if your job is not essential, it should not be there.   It is just a waste of time and money - an added cost to the business that adds not value.

Loved the photo of the police officer in the first picture. When I looked at the traditional uniform I remember my dad talking about when they were kids with the local beat cop in the Bronx (this would be in the 1930s), that their version of juvenile delinquency was taunting him with "brass buttons, blue coat, couldn't catch a nanny goat" and running off to the cop yelling "you rotten kids" (I doubt very much they had much to worry about with him chasing them, like the figure in the photo, he apparently, um, filled out his uniform more than most *lol*). 



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