Having some trouble with the variable outputs on the TIU (rev L). When running 3 large passenger trains through a single variable channel on the TIU, I can no longer seem to control the variable voltage, where it has failed in a mode where it is full voltage all the time now.
Typically I run the channel at 17 volts on the dcs voltage scale as displayed on the remote.
I think all three trains were pulling close to 8-9 amps. The TIU channel was powered by a 180 watt brick, so there was a decent breaker being used with this.
i thought this was fluke so moved the connections to the other variable channel and had the same permiinent loss of control of the variable out put voltage.
I have tried resetting tiu to factory settings with no help. Both variable channels are still able to control Dcs engines through them.
Fearful that unit may be broken now. Originally I was using the Wi-Fi set up and to simplify the trouble shooting for this issue, went back to the dcs remote and also performed a reset to both the remote and tiu, still no success.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated!