I am installing two crossover switch pairs with the 1 3/8" without the wire in between the turn-outs to separate the power divisions. 180 bricks on a ZW-C at 18v for command mode only(well, LionChief, too.). I am using the SC-2 on Accessory voltage. The switches are powered on accessory voltage. (14vac). I didn't want a load of cables as my layout is on tables temporarily. So, I remove the base covers and run Cat 5 wire (24g) as a jumper that will be hidden. These are from Aux GND, Aux in, thru, gnd, and out. I test for continuity, ok. I test with power using jumpers. Works fine, both switches fire at once for out or thru. That set gets installed connected to SW2 on the SC-2 and fires as it should using Cab2.
I do the same for the second set. Same tests and check ok. I install it and connect it to SW3. Power up and lights are on. I select SW, then 3, then press out and get nothing. I hear the SC-2 relay, but no switch action. Time to check the connections. They're fine at the switch and the SC-2. Tight and correctly wired. Try it again. Lights on, relay sound, no switching.
I am burned out with this. So, I am stepping away and thought perhaps someone may have encountered this before or have something to check that I missed. I did miss the no FasTrack switch on SW1. Got a lot of buzzing on that first set, quick kill the power and find the answer for that. Thanks Forum members, missed it in the switch manual. (Didn't read it, actually)