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From Lionel Owners Manual:


Congratulations on your purchase of the Operating Milk Car and Platform! This car unloads old-fashioned milk cans at the press of a button. Be sure that you have a Remote-Control Track section (available separately, 6-65530 for O gauge or 6-12746 for O-27 gauge) to operate the unloading mechanism.


For FasTrack layouts, use two FasTrack O Gauge Transition sections (available separately, 6-12040) to install a traditional O Gauge Remote Control Traction section.

Douger, here's what I did to make it work-

Using the old lionel milk car platform, I took the new fastrack activation piece and removed both sides of the "ballast". This leaves you with an odd looking center section, but your not done yet!

With the wires facing in towards the platform, and ran underneith it, now measure and mark the inboard side of ballast and cut the outside pieces so the platform fits in between them, then remove the outer track sections ballast nibs so the platform base indexing tab fits just outside of the track section...when done this whole unfinished track{sans outside ballast} will fit between the outer platform tab and the platform.

Last step is to snap the outer ballast section back on.

Viola- New meets old! 

I can supply a pic if the above idea is fuzzy to you....just yell.

Here ya go-

fastrack milk platform 001

fastrack milk platform 002

fastrack milk platform 003

fastrack milk platform 004

Pic1 shows how you need to cut out the inner section so just the outsides are there to hug the platform base

Pic2 and 4 show how you have to remove the ballst inner indexing nibs "and"{I forgot that one} trim the ballast inside section to allow the platform tab to fit in without spreading the ballast strip...forgot that one.

Pic3 shows how nicely the new track will sit on the old base.

-Easy, you try it, but be advised that once you do all this that this track piece is now dedicated to the platform or it'll look funny sitting somewhere else. 


Images (4)
  • fastrack milk platform 001
  • fastrack milk platform 002
  • fastrack milk platform 003
  • fastrack milk platform 004
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