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The four wires between the turnout and the remote controller are as follows:

  • Black - Ground
  • Green - Through
  • Red - Out
  • Yellow - RSC (Remote Switch Controller) Out to Lights

In the controller are two momentary switches activated when the lever is pushed one way or the other.  One switch momentarily connects the green wire to ground.  The opposite switch momentarily connects the red wire to ground.  These are what cause the turnout to change positions.

Depending on the turnout position, the RSC Lights Out terminal underneath (Yellow wire) has either a +5VDC or - 5VDC voltage relative to ground on it.  In the remote controller are a pair of bi-color LEDs (red or green light).  Depending on negative or positive polarity of this 5V signal is what determines whether the LEDs illuminate red or green.  The lantern stand on the turnout has a single white LED (behind the red and green lenses) that's always on when the turnout is powered.

When controlling two turnouts from the same remote controller, ideally only one of the Yellow wires from one of the two turnouts should be connected to a shared remote, leaving the second yellow wire disconnected.

Last edited by SteveH

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