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Has anyone had experience with the: ""Lionel 6-14110 Operating Ferris Wheel (2004)"" maybe a review

i would love to put this on my christmas layout - but - before i spend 200 or so - would like to know more about how it performs


i have a Ferris Wheel made of Tinker Toys - the lionel F.W. would be a step up


thanks - rdeal


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I have been purchasing a few of the Lionel carnival rides (Ferris Wheel, Pirate Ship) over the past last year.  This was to go with the Swing ride that I bought many years ago when Lionel was blowing these rides out for around 99 dollars.  My favorite by far is the Ferris Wheel because it has a nice slow movement, no sound, and lights up in the dark.  My only criticism is that there are no people on the ride unlike the swings and the pirate ship ride.  Footprint is around 14" x 14" and 21" high.  It takes almost a full minute for the wheel to make it around.  There are also separate on/off switches that are easy to access for the lights and the wheel animation.  If you can pick one up for 200 that is a pretty decent deal.  I was looking for this item for over 9 months but kept seeing them in the 325 to 375 range on the auction sites and at shows for NIB.  I finally got mine at the last York from a guy in the purple hall was able to deal down to 125 because it was a used one although it looked NIB.  So far no complaints and it runs for at least 2 hours at a time when I host my train groups.

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