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Over the weekend I had a chance to sit down and build the Downtown deco hotel kit. I also assembled the liquor store kit but haven't had a chance to paint it yet. For the hotel I decided to scratch build the side stairway to save on weight as I plan on borrowing the building for a demo module  am taking to York for another reason and the hydrocal walls add so much weight to the project. Anyway here is a couple photos of the hotel. I am pleased with the brick color and the metal roofing worked.


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First, excellent!  Second, for those that have not even tackled something like this (like myself) would be greatly beneficial if one could post a how-to article on how to achieve these great results.  My fear is that when I sit down to tackle something like I want to look just like yours, however, I fear utter frustration will set in when my expectations are not met.

Originally Posted by ChessieMD:

First, excellent!  Second, for those that have not even tackled something like this (like myself) would be greatly beneficial if one could post a how-to article on how to achieve these great results.  My fear is that when I sit down to tackle something like I want to look just like yours, however, I fear utter frustration will set in when my expectations are not met.


ChessieMD, if you like these hydrocal buildings and their look, you should definitely try one. Randy, who manufacturers them provides excellent assembly and most importantly, painting and weathering instructions. The castings are excellent and you get detail in them that is hard to duplicate in other materials. You do have to be careful with the castings and how you put them down and handle them as they can crack. On the other hand, even if they do, it's pretty easy to put back together which adds even more character and if you were to drop a piece and it's not fixable, Randy will replace it no questions asked. I've built about two dozen of his kits and they're great. 




Thanks for all the kind words guys. 
Originally Posted by rattler21:


Nice looking building, is the factory exposed stairway also hydrocal?

What materials did you use for yours?


Yes they are John, walls are 1/2" thick so they definitely tip the scales. I used foamcore sheets for the base structure and then skinned those with Midwest wood clapboard siding. The windows were the original laser cut windows supplied in the kit. I also used wood coffee stir sticks to trim out around the door & windows. The roofing is actually a photo of rusted corrugated roofing. I usually make my own by using corrugated aluminum and rusting it in circuit board enchant solution.  Here are two photos of just the staircase front & back.
Originally Posted by dkdkrd:


Tell us how you achieved the varigated colors of the brickwork.  It's very well done.



Since the building is hydrocal I sealed it with flat white spay paint once the walls were glued together. Then I used raw sienna acrylic paint and water washes over the walls, I then came back with more raw sienna paint without the water and dry brushed the bricks. Finally I went over the walls randomly with a small brush adding small brush marks with some burnt sienna and also some black.
Originally Posted by coloradohirailer:

Nice, and there was kitbashing done, too, I see, addng the window airconditioner, and

indenting the entrance.  Brick, as mentioned, does look good.

The entrance is true to the building kit. The air conditioner I recycled from one of the Woodland Scenic buildings that had another building marrying up to the wall of another building, so I pulled it off and reused it here.


Originally Posted by breezinup:

Beautiful paint work - the brick, corrugated metal, wood siding, etc. are really well



(But if that's the Angels Flight Hotel, it must be the He*l's Angels.) 

Funny you say that breezinup, I am placing this "Hotel" right next door to a gentleman's club which is my next building. I am going to use a Downtown Deco kit that was a liquor store. Here is a photo of the glued up building and I have sprayed the walls with flat black with spots of white showing through in some areas. When I cover the walls with my intended brown ( burnt sienna & burnt umber) the motor lines will vary as dark mortar and some areas will be whiter like the wall has had some repointing over time.


Originally Posted by Frank53:
Originally Posted by coloradohirailer:

I just put my post entitled "Railroad Hotel and Restaurant" back up, to show how I found

the hotel entrance in my kit.

I'm pretty sure the kit you showed is the Palace Hotel. The Angel's Flight Al used would need a lot of modification to get the first floor the same.

Coloradohirailer, Frank is correct your kit was the Palace Hotel & card room as seen here


BTW Frank congratulations on your layout feature in this next issue of CTT


Here is the club building after painting it tonight. It actually looks darker in person compared to the photo.


Last edited by CSX Al

My apologies!!...I had no idea there were two kits that similar.  I thought my kit version

had been kitbashed, narrowed, to that effect.  And here I am still unhappy I didn't find

a 3 story Vinnie's to enlarge the capacity of my hotel.   No question that the photography and brick treatment , which really stands up in close inspection, of the original post above is better than mine.

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